Discovery of the Factors Inhibiting Couples from Childbearing in the Last Decade
(A Systematic Review) [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2020, Pages 155-175]
Cognitive Flexibility
Testing the Mediating Role of Cognitive Flexibility in the Relationship between Psychological Capital and Distress Tolerance in Couples Suffering from Marital Infidelity [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2020, Pages 105-123]
Competency model
Validation of the Competency Model of the Counsellors of the General Education System [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2020, Pages 45-88]
Investigating the place of hijab in human rights from the perspective of the theory of universality and relativism [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2020]
Creative Thinking
The Mediating Role of Creative Thinking in the Relationship between Self-Differentiation and Self-Actualization of Couples in Mashhad [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2020, Pages 107-124]
Emotional Reactions
Explanation of the Emotional Reactions of Girls with Love Trauma Syndrome: A Qualitative Study [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2020, Pages 125-154]
Emotional separation
Explanation of the Emotional Reactions of Girls with Love Trauma Syndrome: A Qualitative Study [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2020, Pages 125-154]
Family concerns
The Impact of Career Path Counseling on the Family Concerns of Women Working in Industry [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2020, Pages 27-43]
Human givens Therapy (HGT)
Comparison of the Impact of Human Givens Therapy (HGT) and Rational-Emotional-Behavioral Therapy (REBT) on Depression in Divorced Women in Shahrekord [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2020, Pages 85-104]
Islamic spiritual-religious group therapy
A Comparison of the Impact of Behavioral-Communicational, Islam-Oriented Spiritual-Religious and Integrative Group Therapies on the Positive Emotions [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2020, Pages 7-27]
Psychological reaction
A Comparison of Prosocial Personality and Belief in a Just World and the Psychological Reaction of Tehran’s Adolescent Supported and Street Working Girls [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2020, Pages 93-106]
Rational-Emotional-Behavioral Therapy (REBT)
Comparison of the Impact of Human Givens Therapy (HGT) and Rational-Emotional-Behavioral Therapy (REBT) on Depression in Divorced Women in Shahrekord [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2020, Pages 85-104]
The Mediating Role of Creative Thinking in the Relationship between Self-Differentiation and Self-Actualization of Couples in Mashhad [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2020, Pages 107-124]
The Mediating Role of Creative Thinking in the Relationship between Self-Differentiation and Self-Actualization of Couples in Mashhad [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2020, Pages 107-124]
Sequential exploratory method
Development of a Model for Promoting Marital Satisfaction and Evaluation of its Effectiveness in Reducing the Tendency to Divorce [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2020, Pages 55-84]
Shariah permission for child marriage
A Jurisprudential-Legal Analysis of the Child Marriage Issue in the Light of Criticism Leveled against this Phenomenon: An Attempt to Offer a Favorable Proposition [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2020, Pages 149-165]
Tehran families and virtual networks
A Sociological Study of the Relationship between Addiction to Virtual Social Networks and Emotional Divorce in Tehran Families [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2020, Pages 117-150]
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