The process of reviewing articles in the scientific journal of the Women's and Family Cultural and Educational Bulletin includes similar and double-blind judging, in the sense that writers and judges have no knowledge of each other's identities. Each original copy submitted to the journal after initial review by the editor and ensuring compliance and compliance of the article with the policies, priorities and axes of the journal as well as the journal writing guide, the article will be sent to at least 2 independent judges for scientific review. Get. Before the judges begin their scientific judging, all initial copies are checked to prevent plagiarism. The magazine has not made any progress in the field of literary theft and always carefully examines and studies all the registered articles in order to ensure that these works are free from literary theft.
In the scientific journal of the Women and Family Cultural and Educational Quarterly, the anonymity of all employees involved in the review process, especially the judges, is done as fully as possible using an online management system (electronic system).
To support this process, please note the following in your articles:
The first page of the submitted file should include the title of the article, the names of the authors, their affiliation and contact information along with the email, phone number and full address of the workplace.
The second page of the submitted file should contain only the title of the article and not any other information.
Not all subsequent pages of the file should contain any information about the authors' identities.
Please do not mention the names of the authors before summarizing the article or in the footnotes of any of the pages.
After submitting the article file to the journal, the editor will review it first (maximum 1 week). If the paper has the necessary prerequisites for the arbitration process, it will be sent to the relevant arbitrators so that the arbitration process is the same and the two sides are blind. After completing the judging process, the decision is made as one of the following options:
Accept the article
Partial review
Not accepting the article