The main goal of the scientific publication of the cultural and educational quarterly of women and family is to create a platform and an intellectual environment to share the latest scientific and research achievements (fundamental, developmental and applied) of professors, students and researchers in the field of women and family, observing the two principles of production Theoretical-technical knowledge and moving on the border of knowledge and focusing on solving a key problem at the international, national, regional or institutional-organizational level.
Enriching the productions of the field of women and family; Creating a network of elites and experts in the field of women and family among the authors of the journal articles; Honoring studies and research in the Islamic-Iranian culture and environment of the country; Problem-oriented researches are among other goals of the journal.
Therefore, the priority axes of the publication are:
The Journal of Womens and Family Cultural and Educational seeks to achieve the following perspective during its activity as a reputable scientific journal of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology:
Playing an effective role in the direction of basic research, developmental and applied research in the field of women and family and also producing theoretical and technical knowledge to solve problems and challenges facing the family in the ecological environment of the country to be able to provide the necessary scientific background Provide trustees, policymakers, officials, and government and national institutions to identify, select, and implement policies, strategies, and programs related to strengthening the institution of the family.