The effectiveness of the marital compatibility model based on intelligence dimensions on the emotional intelligence of compatible and incompatible couples in Kermanshah

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in counseling, counseling department, Sanandaj branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Family Counseling Department, Sanandaj branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandah, Iran (corresponding author) Email:

3 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the marital compatibility model based on the dimensions of intelligence on the emotional intelligence of compatible and incompatible couples in Kermanshah city in 2022-2023. In terms of the practical purpose and in terms of the implementation method, the present research was descriptive of the content analysis type (by reviewing the research literature in the field of marital adjustment model based on intelligence dimensions and also the opinions of experts in the field of family counseling). The statistical sample of the qualitative part was to develop a training package for compatible and incompatible couples living in Kermanshah city (10 family counseling specialists) in the year 2022-2023. In order to sample according to the purposeful sampling method, 40 compatible and incompatible couples of Kermanshah city were selected to extract the components of the marital compatibility model based on the dimensions of intelligence and to investigate the effect of independent variables, a training package approach was developed for 10 couples and for the control group. Also, 10 compatible and incompatible couples were selected and randomly placed in experimental and control groups. The results showed that the intervention of the marital compatibility model based on intelligence dimensions had a significant effect on increasing emotional intelligence and its components (P=0.001). Therefore, it can be concluded that the model of marital compatibility based on the dimensions of intelligence can be considered by psychologists and counselors in premarital counseling and family counseling.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 19 November 2024
  • Receive Date: 30 April 2023
  • Revise Date: 09 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 12 February 2024
  • Publish Date: 19 November 2024