The Relationship Between Parenting Dimensions and Academic Resilience: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Teenage Children of Veteran Families

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of education and Psychology, Alzahra University Tehran,Iran

2 Molouk Khademi Ashkzari َAssociate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of education and Psychology, Alzahra University Tehran,Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of education and Psychology, Tehran University Tehran,Iran


The current research was conducted with the aim of determining the relationship between perceived parenting dimensions and academic resilience with the mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation of children of veteran families. This study is a correlational description.The statistical population of the study included all the male and female children of veteran families in the second grade (1st to 3rd) of the theoretical secondary school of Shahid and government high schools in Malair city, who were studying in the academic year (2020-2022). In this research, 250 people were selected by available sampling method. The tools of this research were Martin's Academic Resilience Scale (2001), Cognitive Regulation of Emotion (CERQ; Granfsky and Kraij, 2006) and Groling et al.'s (1997) Perceived Parenting Dimensions. The obtained data were analyzed by correlation and path analysis methods. Findings showed that parenting dimensions perceived by parents (warmth, conflict and autonomy support) were positive and significant predictors of academic resilience, except for father's conflict. The direct effect of parents' perceived parenting dimensions on the cognitive regulation of meaningful emotion was obtained.Also, the indirect effect of parenting dimensions perceived by parents through the cognitive regulation of emotion on academic resilience was significant. And the direct effect of cognitive emotion regulation on academic resilience was also significant. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, it can be concluded that the dimensions of parenting perceived by the children of veteran families have an important effect on the regulation of emotions and resilience against problems. Also, the use of positive and negative emotion regulation strategies predict resilience.


Main Subjects

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