Aging Education In Iranian Elementary Textbooks

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Information Science and Epistemology, Ministry of Education, Educational Research and Planning Organization, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of the present study was to elderly and how to cover the issues of the elderly in the family in elementary school textbooks 2021-2022. In this study, 27 elementary textbooks were studied using qualitative content analysis method using the document analysis method. Quality analysis with a measuring system based on elderly education literature, including seven main topics of gender distribution ratio, personality role, professional role, physical and physical characteristics, inter -generational relationships, leadership of the intentional message community (about aging subject) and 18 The sub -topic and a little analysis were performed by providing many tables based on subject analysis. The findings showed that elementary school textbooks do not cover enough elderly subject in the family and less elderly education has been addressed, and these books have not shown a negative picture of the elderly. In order to improve students' attitudes towards the elderly, and with the emphasis on upstream documents and based on approaches to elderly education, it is necessary to address the presence of the elderly in the family and the elderly education in schools and textbooks, and in the message of intention. The curriculum (about the subject of aging) and the elderly should be created between the textual and visual elements in the coordination textbook. It is recommended to pay attention to the curriculum of elderly education in elementary school.


Smiley face

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