Factors Affecting Divorce in Iranian Society; Modeling Using the Dimtel Method

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Sociology, Social Issues, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran.

2 PhD in Sociology, Social Issues, Tehran Azad University, Center, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Kashan University.


The family is the bed of all social affairs and the origin of people, as one of the main social institutions, disturbance and damage to it and the phenomenon of divorce will not be unaffected in the spread of social issues. The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting divorce in Iranian society; Modeling using Dimtel method is a survey approach. In this method, the cause-and-effect relationship between the factors affecting divorce has been discussed, in such a way that the factors affecting divorce have been identified by reviewing the research literature, and then the Dimtel method has been used to explain and evaluate the relationships between these factors.
The statistical community of this research was formed by experts and specialists in the social field and familiar with the family field in Kashan University in 2021. The said questionnaire includes 9 main factors and 31 sub-factors, and the experts and specialists rated the effect of each factor on the other factor. The results showed that the component of "ethical factors" has the most impact on other elements, in contrast to "religious beliefs" which has the least amount, which is strongly influenced by other elements of the model and was identified as the most important influencing factor.The "psychological factors" component has the most interaction with other factors and is placed in the center of the model. Also, among the secondary factors, infidelity, lack of mental preparation for marriage, forced marriage with a coefficient of determination of 0.586 in the first rank, age mismatch of couples with a coefficient of determination of 0.571 in the second rank, betrayal of families with The coefficient of determination is 0.501 in the third rank, failure to satisfy sexual needs and lack of appropriate temperament with the coefficient of determination of 0.358 in the fourth rank and the lack of social and cultural proportions between married couples' families with the coefficient of determination of 0.312 in the rank It is the fifth and the rest of the coefficients are in the next ranks.


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Volume 17, Issue 61
Winter Quarterly
December 2022
Pages 175-197
  • Receive Date: 28 September 2021
  • Revise Date: 27 August 2022
  • Accept Date: 10 December 2022