Iranian Family Health Indicators and Components

Document Type : Original Article


1 Full Professor, Research Center of Behavioral Sciences, Baghiatollah Medical Sciences University, Tehran,Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Consultancy, College of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran


It is necessary to determine family health Indices and Indicators to be integrated with policy making, priorities, planning, and researches regarding the family unit. Accordingly, the main question was “what are the indicators and components of family health according to the Iranian Islamic model” ?The research method was Narrative Review and a focus group of elites in the field of family were involved in the study. The statistical population was divided into two groups. One group that used for content analysis was published books and articles on the family, in which findings and perspectives on the family were examined, some of which were Islamic sources. The second group which was used as a focus group, were family experts, including members of the Family Thought Center of the Iranian Islamic Model of Progress. The proposed model for the content analysis was used to analyze the information.
For results, the proposed model was used for content analysis. In this set, the basics and concepts of family indicators were first used based on the Iranian Islamic model and then, family indicators of the Islamic Iranian model were presented. Findings included: Definition of a healthy family; Family indicators in the format of 3 main indicators and 9 measures (includes: marriage stability, family strength and dynamics, and family satisfaction) and family indicators in the format of 6 main components, 32 sub-components, and 120 measures (including: sustainable marriage, family strengthening, family growth and dynamism, family destroyers, family social developments, and family support resources). According to the findings, in order to determine the i indicators and components of family health, measures such as: discourse, theorizing, measurement and monitoring, database creation, internal and environmental analysis and it is necessary to determine the burden of family problems and issues.


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Volume 17, Issue 60
Autumn Quarterly
September 2022
Pages 11-47
  • Receive Date: 04 October 2020
  • Revise Date: 31 July 2021
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2021