The Effect of a Favorable Social Network Model to Strengthening Family Foundation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding author: PhD student, Cultural Systems Engineering, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor, Research Institute of Imam Sadiq, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.


In today's era social networks with considering the role of technology in designing the desired model, can strengthen the foundation of the family as a suitable capability and tool. The present study is applied-descriptive and the statistical population of the research are experts in the field of social network and family consolidation. Based on simple random sampling, 90 people were selected. To assess validity , Lawshe coefficient, convergent and divergent validity criteria and also for calculating the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability were used. SPSS and Smart PLS software were used to analyze the data. Studies have shown that social networks have three dimensions: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. The cognitive dimension has the components of religious teachings and beliefs, lifestyle awareness and perception of family strengthening factors, as well as the emotional dimension has the components of competition and intimacy, interaction and communication and identity. Behavioral dimension also has components of culturalization , family and social stability, as well as economic and financial empowerment. The results also showed that strengthening the foundation of the family has three dimensions: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Cognitive dimension with three components of theism and religiosity, excellence in life and awareness of the rules of economic and financial health, emotional dimension with three components of self-confidence, empathy and satisfaction and also behavioral dimension with components of responsibility, skill enhancement and empowerment, family survival with continuity i t is healthy. The results of the model analysis showed that the social network is 64% effective in strengthening the family foundation. According to the research results, social network in the cognitive dimension and family in emotional and behavioral dimensions can play the greatest role in the effective functioning of social network and strengthening the foundation of the family.


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