Studying the Relationship Between Development Idealism and Changes in Family Structure (A Case Study: Tabriz City)

Document Type : Case Study


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Boroujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd, Iran

3 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran


In recent years, the family structure has experienced many changes and developments under the influence of various factors. The expansion of the process of development idealism is one of these factors which has been studied in this research in relation to the changes in the family structure. The current research was carried out as a survey among 600 married people aged 18 and over living in Tabriz city in 2019. The sampling method is a multi-stage cluster. The data were collected using researcher-made questionnaires on development idealism and family structure. In order to test the hypotheses, Pearson's correlation coefficient and focal correlation were used. The findings of the research indicate that there is a significant relationship between the idealism of development and the change of the family structure and its components (familyism, avoiding marriage, reducing the desire to have children and distribution of power); That is, the structure of the family has progressed under the influence of the expansion of development idealism towards increasing marriage avoidance, reducing the desire to have children (child avoidance) and family orientation, and balancing the distribution of power in the family. Among these factors, avoiding marriage and reducing the desire to have children are the first components that change under the influence of the expansion of development idealism. In order to turn the challenges and changes that have occurred (decrease in the desire to have children and family orientation and increase the avoidance of marriage) into opportunities, we need cultural and social policies and support for the family in different dimensions.


Smiley face

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