Explaining the Role of Normative Hijab among Women in Tabriz

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Social Research Center, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.


One of the Fundamental and basic principles of Islam is considered as the Islamic dress and hijab regard by women and men in society, Also, the dress style as an effective tool in establishing social relationships of people, so dress style is affected in identity formation. Diversity and fitness clothes that show individuals identity, may be changed over time with economic, demographic Change and other social change. In the same way, the main propose of the article, in the first step determining dress style and hejab among women 15 to 45 years and secondly to identify variables impact of national identity, religion, age and education on the style of dress and hejab is considered.
Research was done through survey method with 542 samples. Sampling Method was Combination of Multi-Stage Cluster ,Random Sampling. and By questionnaires collected necessary information from women 15 years old age and over. For preliminary analysis of data is Used SPSS version 17 is used and for modeling the causes of dress style and Islamic hejab among women's Lisrel software of version 8/5 is Used.
After data analyzing ,findings show that: Average norms regard of Islamic dress among women in Tabriz is located in an appropriate level which is 66.2%. This rate was higher than the average percentage of the spectrum. The results of correlation analysis showed that national, religiosity, age and education identity, except for the legal variable, had a significant correlation with the amount of adherence to normative hijab. Between variables National identity, religion, age and education except for legalism is a significant correlation with dress style and Hejab , this variables explained to 20 percent of the variable variance of dress style and Hejab.
Final models produced in the Lisrel software indicate that variables of National identity, religion, age and education are affecting factors on dress style and Hejab among women.


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Volume 16, Issue 57
Winter Quarterly
February 2022
Pages 49-77
  • Receive Date: 19 April 2021
  • Revise Date: 28 November 2021
  • Accept Date: 12 January 2022