The Investigate of Perceived Stress Role in the Relationship Between Social Support, Psychological Capital and Forgiveness with Distress Tolerance in Couples

Document Type : Original Article


1 PH.D Candidate in Public Psychology, Department of Psychology, PNU University, Tehran, Iran

2 Full Professor, Department of Psychology, PNU University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Psychology, PNU University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Humanities, PNU University, tehran, Iran


Infidelity is very large and complex problems that result in devastating consequences and a large number of couples during their married life were exposed with this difficult. In this relation, negative assessments of stress and the couple's negative perception of events can moderate or facilitate infidelity consequences. So Be distress tolerance of marital infidelity are to be influenced by several factors. The aim of this study was to determine the role of perceived stress in the relationship between social support, psychological capital, and forgiveness with Distress tolerance in couples experiencing marital infidelity. The method of this study was correlation of structural equations modeling. The statistics Community of the study included all women and married men experiencing marital infidelity and referred to the family counseling centers in Tehran during the second half of 2019. Samples were among the 215 person that were selected with random cluster method. So they responded to the distress tolerance, forgiveness, perceived stress, psychological Capital and social support inventories. Collected Data were analyzed by using the SPSS-22 Software and Equation Structural Analysis (AMOS) was analyzed by calculating fitness indices. The results of the Index fitness, represents the proposed model was fit. The results of structural equation analysis in the final model showed the significance of direct path coefficients between social support, forgiveness and psychological capital, with distress tolerance. While by inter of stress perception into the model as a mediator weakened the coefficients, which indicates stress perception has a minor but modifying role of social support, forgiveness and psychological capital on distress tolerance. Because high stress and stress perception reduced the positive effect of predictor variables on distress tolerance. Based on these results, it can be said that in order to increase the tolerance of distress in couples with marital infidelity, the positive effect of social support, forgiveness and psychological capital can be facilitated by reducing their perception of stress.


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Volume 16, Issue 56
Fall Quarterly
November 2021
Pages 129-155
  • Receive Date: 09 January 2021
  • Revise Date: 29 December 2021
  • Accept Date: 05 January 2022