Corona and Family Challenges: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of the Youth of Sistan and Baluchestan

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan,Iran

2 Corresponding Author: Phd student of sociology, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

3 Associate Professor , Department of Social Sciences, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran


One of the social institutions affected by the Corona crisis in the world was the family. With this crisis and the need for home quarantine, families experienced new conditions. On the one hand, family members had the opportunity to spend more time together, and on the other hand, they faced challenges and tensions. This study was conducted with a qualitative and methodological-phenomenological approach, and the sample group consisted of 41 young people from Sistan and Baluchestan who were selected by purposive method. Data were then collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed by Colaizzi method. The main themes were four main themes: changing patterns of family communication, escalation of conflict and domestic violence, anxiety disorders, and economic vulnerability of families during the corona. Families in the Corona epidemic faced a decrease in communication actions due to home quarantine and reduced family interactions and rituals, and on the other hand, the growth of virtual communication between families as well as an increase in communication actions between members. In addition, with the increase in the presence of all members in the home at the beginning of the epidemic, conflicts in families have become more pronounced and all kinds of domestic violence have spread among members. Coronary heart disease with all threats to public health and physical health of families It has also been associated with the development of anxiety disorders. In addition, with the economic crisis caused by the corona, families have faced living problems as well as occupational injuries. This research was conducted at the beginning of the corona epidemic, and providing a comprehensive analysis of the family and corona will require research at different time intervals.


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