Designing a Model for Predicting Family Performance, Coping Styles with Marital Conflict and Cognitive Flexibility Based on the Analysis of the Trend of Changes in Family Transformation Cycles in Divorced Couples

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Candidate, Department of consultation, Abhar Branch, Islam Azad University, Abhar, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Humanities, Kashan, Iran, Abhar Branch, Islam Azad

3 Associate Professor, Department of consultation, Abhar Branch, Islam Azad

4 Assistant Professor, Department of consultation, Abhar Branch, Islam Azad


The aim of this study was to design a model for predicting family performance, coping style with marital conflict and cognitive flexibility based on the analysis of the trend of changes in family evolutionary cycles in divorced couples. The research method is causal-comparative which is based on one-way analysis of variance and quadratic regression. The statistical population was couples applying for divorce who referred to the family court in the first 6 months of 1397 in East Azarbaijan province. By purposive sampling method, 200 couples (400 people) with inclusion criteria were selected as the research sample. The research tool is a questionnaire that, according to Macmaster model, family functioning, marital conflict coping styles of Rahim Questionnaire (ROCI-II) and cognitive flexibility of the questionnaire (Dennis and Vanderwall, 2010) have been developed. Data were analyzed using trend analysis, one-way analysis of variance and quadratic substantive regression with SPSS Software. The results of process analysis showed that changes in family functioning, coping style with marital conflict and cognitive flexibility at different stages of the transformation period of the family of couples seeking divorce are significant. The highest level of family performance is the style of coping with marital conflict and cognitive flexibility in the stages of marriage and without children. Family performance, marital conflict coping style, and cognitive flexibility decrease with the arrival of the first child, and are usually the least variable during adolescence and increase again during the empty nest stage (P <0.01). The results show that family performance, coping style with marital conflict and cognitive flexibility of couples follow the stages of family family development. Therefore, it is suggested that couples pay attention to teaching the necessary social skills to the adolescent and rebuild their relationships with others after the child's adolescence.


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