The relationship between parent-child relationship quality and students' self-control through problem-based communication mediation; Provide a causal model

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Bachelor of Counseling, Razi University

2 Assistant Professor of Counseling, Razi University

3 Master of Counseling, Razi University


The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of problem-based communication in the relationship between parent-child relationship quality and students' self-control. The statistical population of the study included all female high school students in the academic year of 1995-96 in Kermanshah. 240 students were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling to participate in the study and the data were tested by path analysis. Data were collected using parent-child relationship questionnaires by Barnes, Olson (1982), Humfried self-control (1982), and problem-solving communication by McCobin, Thompson, and McCobin (1996). In order to analyze the research findings, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics methods have been used to design a suitable model of self-control prediction path analysis in students. The results of path analysis showed that the problem-solving relationship in relation to parent-child relationship and self-control


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