Thee Causal Model of the Relationship between Tendency to Marital Infidelity and Media Use Mediated by Dysfunctional Attitudes and Emotional Divorce

Document Type : Original Article


1 University Lecturer and PhD Candidate in General Psychology, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University.


The aim of this study was to examine the causal model of the relationship between tendency to marital infidelity and media use mediated by dysfunctional attitudes and emotional divorce. This is a descriptive-correlational research, and its statistical population consisted of married people in Kermanshah, Iran. Based on the availability sampling method, 300 people were selected from among those who had referred to psychologists' clinics, and they answered the marital infidelity and dysfunctional attitudes scales and media use and emotional divorce questionnaires. The findings revealed that media use indirectly and through dysfunctional attitudes and emotional divorce directly affect tendency to marital infidelity. Also, media use directly predicts dysfunctional attitudes, and dysfunctional attitudes directly affect emotional divorce. Emotional divorce further directly predicts tendency to marital infidelity.


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