Development of a Model for Mothers' Adaptive Strategies in Dealing with the Emerging Problems of Adolescents

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate of Counseling, Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Allameh Tabatabaei University

3 Associate Professor, Department of Assessment, Allameh Tabatabaei University

4 Allameh tabatabaei university


In today's world, adolescents face many problems and challenges, including dealing with a variety of intellectual and behavioral styles, finding distance from religious and indigenous values, easy access to all kinds of information, limitless relationship with the opposite sex at an early age, etc. In this regard, mothers' adaptive strategies are the methods that they use to deal with these challenges. This study was carried out to determine and develop the model of adaptive strategies of mothers in dealing with emerging problems of adolescents in Tehran. The research was conducted using a qualitative method. The qualitative data were extracted using semi-structured interviews from the sample. Sampling was purposively continued until it reached ten cases following theoretical saturation, and then data analysis was performed using field theory and Strauss and Corbin coding method. In this coding, the central category was selected under the general title of reality-oriented strategies based on convergent relations, which are presented in three general categories: parental preparation strategies, convergent strategies and immunization strategies. Also, preparation strategies were identified as background factors and convergent strategies are identified as causal factors. According to the life experiences of mothers, the methods and strategies which are based on exploration, analysis and acceptance of the individual and social realities of the day, and mothers seek to help themselves and their children to come into contact with these realities using different methods so that they can identify real opportunities and harms as long as this is accomplished in a convergent, strong and intimate relationship, they are considered adaptive and efficient strategies and can reduce the harms of emerging problems.


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