The Effect of Personal and Social Characteristics of Women Entrepreneurs to Entrepreneurial Success

Document Type : Original Article


1 PHD student, Department of Sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor Faculty of Social Sciences Economics Alzahra University


Entrepreneurship, according to the society on the path of economic and social development has become an important issue and of interest to the scientific community. From the perspective of sociologists, entrepreneurship is a process in a network of social relations. Women as half of the active population, play an important role in economic, political and social roles and play a decisive role in improving the economic growth and development. On the other hand, promoting the role of women in economic, political and social lead to more opportunities for growth and economic development. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of individual characteristics and personality and social characteristics of women entrepreneurs on their entrepreneurial success. The study population consisted of women entrepreneurs in Tehran to 100 people. A questionnaire was used as a measuring tool.
The results indicate a significant positive relationship between individual characteristics and features of social entrepreneurship successfully. Also there is significant direct relationship between individual characteristics and entrepreneurial success.


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