Development of a Local Model of Happiness-Oriented Family Using Grounded Theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Humanities, Research and Science Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Corresponding Author: Full Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Full Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran


This research was conducted with the aim of developing a local model of happiness-oriented family. This is a qualitative study carried out on the basis of grounded theory. The research population consisted of all the specialists involved in the field of family in 2017, as well as all the teachers in Qom province who considered their family happy and had got the cut-off score in the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. The sampling method used to select the specialists was the purposive method (the sequential snowball type) and the method used to select the families was also purposive (the homogeneous   sequential type). This research reached the saturation level with 16 specialists involved in the field of family and 21 happy families. The data were collected using an in-depth semi-structured interview and triangulation. From the analysis of the interviews with happy families 98 categories in open coding and 13 categories in axial coding, from the analysis of interviews with family specialists 87 categories in open coding and 11 categories in axial coding, and from the qualitative analysis of the literature and the research studies related to the factors affecting family happiness 23 categories were obtained, which were classified into 10 categories in axial coding based on thematic similarity. Finally, using triangulation and based on the categories of the related literature and studies and interviews with the specialists and happy families, the local model of happiness-oriented family with ten dimensions was developed.


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